However, tax refunds expire three years after the IRS deadline, please check your state on refund expiration deadlines. You can NOT e-File a state extension form on or anywhere else, but you can eFile an IRS tax extension on
Alabama Failure to File Penalty: 10% tax due, or $50 which ever is greater.
Failure to Pay Penalty: Assessed if the taxpayer doesn't pay the tax after 30 days past the deadline, and amounts to 1% per month but will not exceed 25% of the tax due.
Alaska State Income Taxes
Does not apply, as Alaska does not collect State Income Taxes.
Arizona Late Tax Payment Extension Penalty: 0.5% penalty of tax unpaid of each month or fraction of month.
Late Filing Penalty: 4.5% penalty per month or fraction of the month the return is late.
Late Payment Penalty: 0.5% penalty per month of the tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: The state of Arkansas charges 1% per month, on taxes that are not paid by the deadline. Interest of 10% per year on any additional tax due from original due date to date paid.
Late Filing Penalty: 5% for each month not filed, and up to a maximum penalty of 35%.
Late Extension Payment: 1% per month of unpaid balance, and an additional $500 penalty may be applied.
Late Filing Penalty: Applies if taxes are owed, no extension has been filed, and no tax return is e-filed after the six month extension period: 5% per month from April 15 until the return is filed or the maximum penalty of 25% has accrued.
Late Payment Penalty: Applies if taxes are owed, you filed your return by Oct. 15, but did not pay all of your taxes due by April 15: 5% per month
and 0.5% of the unpaid tax for each month or part of the month it’s unpaid, not to exceed 40 months (monthly).
Contact the California Franchise Tax Board to
apply for a Reasonable Cause - Claim for Refund so they may waive the penalty. If you have explored all your payment options (i.e. installment payment plan), filed all your required tax returns, and agreed with the tax amount you owe, you can
request and file an Offer in Compromise.
Late Filing Penalty: This penalty is $5 or a percentage of the unpaid tax equal to 5% (whichever is greater) for each month the tax return is filed after Tax Day, plus ½% for each full or partial month the tax remains unpaid. It will not exceed a total of 12%.
Late Payment Penalty: This penalty is the same as the late filing penalty.
Outstanding Tax Balance after Original Deadline: 10% penalty and 1% interest rate for each month or fraction of a month until payment is made.
Failure to file or pay Estimated Taxes: 1.5% the total tax due per month.
Late Filing Penalty: It amounts to 5% the tax due per month, and can't exceed 50% of the total tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: A penalty for failing to pay is imposed when the taxpayer doesn't pay the tax due on time. It amounts to 1% of the total tax due per month, and can't exceed 25% of the total tax due.
Late Filing Penalty: For every month or part of the month a return is filed late, you would be charged a 5% penalty of your total unpaid tax unless you can provide a reasonable cause for filing the return after the April deadline. The maximum penalty is 25% of the your unpaid or late-paid taxes owed. The minimum penalty you can be charged by the state tax agency is $5.
Late Payment Penalty: You will be charged a 5% underpayment penalty If you do not pay the entire amount of your taxes due with your filed return. An additional 25% penalty of your taxes due will be imposed on any unreported amount of taxable income that's more than 25% of the taxable income that's shown on your return. If the tax due is not paid within 90 days and the total amount due, including penalties and fees, amounts to over $200, then a collection fee will be administered by the District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue. The fee amounts to 10% of the total tax, penalties, and interest. The interest rate for underpayment of taxes is 10% annually, and is compounded on a daily basis.
Late Filing Penalty: The penalty for filing late is 5% per month, but will not exceed a total of 25% of the tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty for late payment is 0.5% per month, but will not exceed a total of 25% of the tax due.
Failure to File Penalty: The penalty is 5% of the total tax due per month. The maximum penalty 25% of the taxes owed amount.
Failure to Pay Penalty: The penalty is 20% of the tax that hasn't been paid after 60 days past the deadline. In case of the failure to pay penalty being imposed, interest will also be calculated on a monthly basis at a rate of 0.66%. When a taxpayer makes a partial payment to cover the tax debt due, the payment will first cover the interest accumulated and then the actual tax due.
Late Filing Penalty: 5% per month and to a maximum of 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: 0.5% per month up to a maximum penalty of 25%.
Late Filing Penalty: You will be assessed a penalty of $250 or 2% of the tax owed (whatever is less) per month you file your return after the tax return deadline. The penalty is reduced by timely payments or credits. In the event you file your return on time but the return cannot be processed, you will have 30 days to correct the return before any penalty is due. If you do not file your return within 30 days after you receive a notice of non-filing, you will be imposed an additional penalty of $250 or 2% of the taxes owed shown on your return (whatever is greater) without regard to timely payments. Not only will the additional penalty not exceed $5,000, but it will be assessed even if there is no tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: This penalty is based on the number of days you submit your total taxes owed late (1-30 days: 2%; 31+ days: 10%).The penalty is 15% of any amount that is not paid until after an audit or investigation of your liability is initiated, and 20% of any amount that is not paid within 30 days after the IL state tax agency sends you an audit-prepared amended return for you to sign and send to the agency. The 20% penalty also applies to the amount you paid within the 30-day period if you fail to sign and return the amended return within that period or if you paid the tax due under protest or subsequently file a claim or refund of the payment.
Late Filing Penalty: This is a penalty of $10 for failure to file a tax return by Tax Day, not to exceed $25,000 in any calendar year.
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty is 10% or $5 for each month your total taxes owed is submitted after the tax return deadline (whichever is greater).
Penalty for Failure to Timely File a Return: 10% penalty if you failed to file and paid at least 90% of taxes due on the due date.
B: Avoid this penalty by filing on time, and pay up to 90% of the final Iowa Taxes owed by July 15 of the Tax Year.
Penalty for Failure to Timely Pay the Tax Due: 5% penalty if you filed on time but did not pay at least 90% of taxes due.
Late Payment Penalty: Penalty for not paying on time amounts to 1% of the tax due per month and can't exceed 24%.
Late Filing Penalty: The penalty is 2% of the total taxes owed for every 30 days or fraction of that time that a return is filed after the tax return deadline. The maximum penalty is 20% of the taxes owed amount.
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty is 2% of the total taxes owed for every 30 days or fraction of that time that the payment is submitted after the tax return deadline. The maximum penalty is 20% of the taxes owed amount that is not withheld, collect, or paid on time. There is a $10 minimum penalty.
Late Filing Penalty: The failure to file tax penalty is 5% of the taxes owed accrued if the return is filed no more than 30 days. There is an additional 5% penalty collected for each additional 30 days or faction of that time the return is filed, not to exceed 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: The failure to pay tax penalty is 0.5% of the taxes owed that is not paid for every 30 days during which the payment is not submitted, not to exceed 25%.
Late Payment Interest Penalty if Owe Taxes: 6% interest compounded monthly on income tax not paid by due date.
Late Filing Penalty: Penalty for late filing is $25 or 10% of the tax due, whichever is greater. However, if tax return is not filed upon demand a penalty greater of $25 or 25% of the tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: 1% to a maximum of 25% per month.
Interest on Unpaid Taxes: 11.5% accrued per year and up to maximum penalty 25% of taxes due.
Failure to File Penalty: The Comptroller of Maryland charges a 25% penalty for failing to file a tax return.
Penalty of Underpayment: 25% penalty of the underpayment tax due.
Late Filing Penalty: For each month you file your return after the tax return deadline, you will be charged 1% of your total tax due (or fraction thereof), up to a 25% maximum.
Late Payment Penalty: For each month you submit your taxes owed after the tax return deadline you will be charged 1% of your total tax amount (or fraction thereof), up to a 25% maximum.
Late Filing Penalty: The failure to file penalty is 5% of your total taxes owed for the first two months. Five percent of the unpaid tax is assessed each month after the initial two months. The maximum penalty amount is equal to 25% of your unpaid tax debt.
Late Payment Penalty: The failure to pay tax penalty is the same as the failure to file penalty.
Late Filing Penalty: Penalty of 5% of tax not paid applies if no tax return is e-filed after the Oct. 15th extension period.
Late Payment Penalty: Applies if you did not pay on time which amounts to 4% of tax not paid. An additional 5% of tax not paid within 180 days after filing your return.
3. Interest: Interest of 5% is charged on tax and penalties from time debt is due until paid in full for 2022.
Late Filing Penalty: There is a 5% per month late filing penalty (not to exceed 25%) on your total tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: There is a 1/2% per month late payment penalty (not to exceed 25%) on your total tax due. The state also charges interest on overdue payments of tax at a rate of 1% per month.
Late Filing Penalty: The failure to file penalty is 5% of the taxes owed per month it's not submitted. The total penalty will not go over 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: The failure to pay penalty is the same as the failure to file penalty.
Late Filing Penalty: There is a failure-to-file penalty of $50 minimum (or 5% of the outstanding tax per month you do not pay your total taxes owed). The maximum is up to 25% of the taxes owed due.
Late Payment Penalty: There is a failure-to-pay penalty of 0.5% per month if you do not pay 100% of your total taxes owed. The maximum is 12% of your total taxes due.
Late Filing Penalty: A late filing penalty is assessed when the tax return was filed after the deadline or extended deadline and it amounts to 5% of the tax due per month never exceeding 25% of the total tax due.
Unpaid Tax Penalty: The unpaid tax penalty is imposed when the tax wasn't paid by the deadline or extended deadline and it amounts to 5% of the total tax due.
Partial Payment Penalty: A partial payment penalty is charged when the taxpayer didn't pay the full tax by the deadline or extended deadline and amounts to 5% of the total tax due.
No Income Tax in Nevada
New Hampshire
No Income Tax in New Hampshire
Late Filing Penalty: The penalty is 5% of the total tax due per month (or part of the month), but will not exceed 25% of the total tax due. A $100 fee may be charged as well for each month past the due date that the return hasn't been filed.
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty is 5% of the total tax due. Interest is also collected on overdue tax payments per month (or part of the month) the total taxes owed is not paid, and amounts to 3% greater than the federally established prime interest rate.
Late Filing Penalty: The failure-to-file penalty is 2% per month or partial month that the total taxes owed are not paid. The maximum is 20% of your total unpaid taxes due.
Late Payment Penalty: The failure-to-pay penalty is the same as the failure-to-file penalty.
Interest will be charged for taxes not paid on or before due date of return: A: Interest is a charge for the use of money and in most cases may not be waived.
B. Interest is compounded daily and the rate is adjusted quarterly.
Late Filing Penalty: If taxes are not paid when due you will be charged 5% of the tax due each month up to maximum of 25%. If greater than 60 days you will be charged lesser of $100, or total tax amount due.
Late Payment Penalty: If late paying taxes due you will be charged a penalty along with interest which is 0.5% of unpaid amount each month, up to maximum of 25%.
Penalty for incorrect calculation of tax: If tax reported on your return is less than correct tax by 10% or $2000. Whichever is greater, you may have to pay a penalty: 10% of difference of taxes you owed and reported.
Late Filing Penalty: A late filing penalty is assessed when you don't file by the due date, is 5% of the unpaid tax per month, and cannot exceed 25% of the income tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: Assessed at 10% of the tax due when the income tax is not paid by the due date. In case you get an extension and pay 90% or more of your income tax by the original due date, then you don't have to pay a late penalty fee as long as you pay the tax by the extended deadline.
Late Filing Penalty: For each month that a return is not filed, an additional 5% penalty will be assessed, up to a 25% maximum penalty of the tax due.
Late Payment Penalty: There is a 5% penalty on any tax that is not paid by the deadline or $5 (whichever is greater). The state of North Dakota charges a 1% interest rate on unpaid tax. It is computed from the filing deadline to the date when all tax, interest and penalties are fully paid. Interest is not collected for the first month a return is filed late.
Late Filing Penalty: For each month your tax return is filed after the April 15 deadline, you are charged a $50 late filing penalty
or 10% of your taxes owed (whichever amount is greater). The penalty can go up to a $500 maximum
.Late Payment Penalty: For each month your taxes due are paid after the April 15 deadline, your amount is doubled (your unpaid tax plus interest). The interest rate on your unpaid tax is 3%.
You may
qualify for an offer in compromise with your state tax agency and Authority General for a claim less than your taxes owed (not including penalties or interest) if you have at least one of these situations:
- Economic hardship (including innocent spouse)
- Doubt of Collectability
- Substantial probability that the claim (if collected) would be sent back to you as a refund under the respective agencies' statutes, rules or regulations (only in limited instances)
Late Filing Penalty: There is only a late payment penalty as detailed below.
Late Payment Penalty: A delinquent penalty is charged when at least 90% of the tax is not paid by the deadline. The penalty amounts to 5%. A one-time 5% delinquent penalty and interest accruing at 1.25% per month will be charged on any taxes owed not paid by the original tax return due date.
Late Filing Penalty: This penalty is 20% of your unpaid tax if you do not file your return within 3 months after the tax return deadline (including extensions).
Late Payment Penalty: This penalty is 5% of your total taxes owed (after standard and carry forward credits) if you do not pay the tax by the time your tax return is due.
Late Filing Penalty: For every month or part of the month a return is filed late, you would be charged a 5% penalty of your total unpaid tax unless you can provide a reasonable cause for filing the return after the April 15 deadline. The maximum penalty is 25% of your unpaid or late-paid taxes owed. The minimum penalty you can be charged by the state tax agency is $5.
Late Payment Penalty: You will be charged a 5% underpayment penalty if you do not pay the entire amount of your taxes due with your filed return. An additional 25% penalty of your taxes due will be imposed on any unreported amount of taxable income that's more than 25% of the taxable income that's shown on your return.
Late Filing Penalty: There is only a late payment penalty as detailed below.
Late Payment Penalty: A delinquent penalty is charged when at least 90% of the tax is not paid by the deadline. The penalty amounts to 5%. A one-time 5% delinquent penalty and interest accruing at 1.25% per month will be charged on any taxes owed not paid by the original tax return due date.
Late Filing Penalty: This penalty is 5% of your total taxes owed if the failure to file your return is not more than one month after your SC tax return is due. You will be charged an additional 5% for each additional month or fraction of the month you file your return late, not exceeding 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: This penalty is 0.5% of your total taxes owed if the failure to pay your tax is not more than one month after your tax is due. You will be charged an additional 0.5% for each additional month or fraction of the month you pay your tax late, not exceeding 25%. To waiver your penalties,
complete and mail Form C-530, Penalty Waiver Request. Explain your reason for the waiver in Section II of the form. The South Carolina tax agency will then evaluate the request and decide whether to grant it or not. Be aware that interest is also computed on unpaid taxes that are owed from the deadline to the date when the entire tax is paid.
South Dakota
No Income Taxes
No Income Taxes
Extension based late tax payment penalty:
A: 2% per month calculated on a daily basis.
B. Avoid this penalty if you pay up to 90% of the final Utah Taxes of current year, 100% of previous year tax liability, or 90% of the current year tax liability if you did not file a return or had zero tax in the prior year.
Late Filing Penalty and Late Payment Penalty:
A: 1 – 5 days you file your tax return after the due date: Greater of $20 or 2% of unpaid tax.
B: 6 – 15 days you file your tax return after the due date: Greater of $20 or 5% of unpaid tax.
C: 16 or more days you file your tax return after the due date: Greater of $20 or 10% of unpaid tax.
Late Filing Penalty: This penalty is 5% per month you file your return after the tax return deadline.
Late Payment Penalty: This penalty is 1% per month you pay your taxes owed after the tax return deadline.
Extension based late tax payment penalty: A: 2% per month. Maximum penalty 12% of Taxes due.
B. Avoid this penalty if you pay up to 90% of the final Virginia Taxes owed by May 1 of the Tax Year.
Late Filing Penalty: Applies if no tax return is e-filed after the six month extension period: 6% per month from Nov. 1 until the return is filed or the maximum penalty of 30% has accrued.
Late Payment Penalty: Applies if you filed your return by the due date of Nov. 1, but did not pay all or part of your taxes due: 6% per month, with a maximum penalty of 30%.
Contact the Virginia Dep. of Taxation to
apply for a Waiver of Penalty. For Penalty amounts over $2,000 you can
request and file Offer in Compromise.
No Income Taxes
Late Filing Penalty: The failure-to-file penalty is 5% per month or any part of the month on any amount of your total taxes owed you file your return after the tax return deadline. This penalty will not exceed 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: The failure-to-pay penalty is 0.5% per month or any part of the month on any amount of your total taxes owed you pay your tax debt after the tax return deadline. This penalty will not exceed 25%.
Late Filing Penalty: There is a $50 late filing fee when you file your Wisconsin tax return after the tax return deadline. You may also face a 5% negligence penalty for each month you fail to file your return on time (based on your total taxes owed). The maximum is 25%.
Late Payment Penalty: There is a 6 1/2% or $35 (whichever is greater) delinquent tax collection fee that is added to your total taxes owed when you submit your payment after the tax return date.