State Tax Refund Status

Before you check your state income tax refund status, make sure your state tax return has been accepted by the state. Here is how to find out:

A. If you e-filed your state income tax return via, sign in to your account here. On the first page, you will see if your state income tax return got accepted by the state tax agency or department or not. If not, you can make the correction and re-efile again at no additional charge.

B. If you did NOT e-file your state income tax return via, verify (via the web site where you e-filed) if your state income tax return got accepted by the state agency. Did you know that you can e-File unlimited state tax returns on only for one low price?

State Income Tax Refund Status Lookup

Check Your State Tax Refund Status
Requires Your State Accepted 2021 Tax Return

What Is Your State Tax Return Status?

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Check Your State Tax Refund Status
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This state does not collect income taxes. Thus, you do not need to e-file a state income tax return.
Start an income tax return for free now to see your personalized results. It's free to view before you e-file it.

State Returns

Prepare multiple state tax returns for one low price, not per state. allows you to report your tax information by answering various tax questions. This information is used to generate your state return(s) based on your federal income tax return. When you report your address or add a state to your W-2, for example, Taxpert will generate the respective state return(s) and include it with your federal returns.

As per federal and state law, you can only e-file a state return with a federal return with the exception of California. Prepare and e-file your federal and state returns on and avoid the hassle of mailing your state tax forms.

File your state tax return(s) with your federal tax return - sign up free and start now.

Questions about your state return or refund? Contact us here.